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Tommy Goodman

Tommy Goodman (voiced by Kaitlyn Robrock) is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Stanley Goodman) of the Mr. Pickles franchise. He is the deuteragonist of Mr. Pickles, and the tritagonist of Momma Named Me Sheriff.

He's the member of the Goodman family. His best friend named Linda Jr.. Tommy with his mom and dad.

Tommy is the six-year-old son of Stanley and Beverly Goodman and the grandson of Grandpa. He has bright orange hair and sports a blue button up shirt with tan shorts and red suspenders. He can best be described as chubby and wears leg braces presumably meant to straighten his spine, much like how a young Forrest had to wear in the 1994 film Forrest Gump. He is almost always seen with the family's secretly demented dog Mr. Pickles. Like everybody else in the series except for Grandpa, Tommy is completely oblivious to Mr. Pickles's wicked ways. In fact, Mr. Pickles has been shown to be very caring toward Tommy, killing or mutilating anyone or anything that causes any type of harm toward Tommy.







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